: Framed the prints from Peru that Adam and I bought.
: Homemade place mates...pretty cool if I do say so myself (finished product below).
: Adam made yummy bread from the book I bought a few weeks ago. Its no kneading necessary!
: The cool place mates with sandwiches made from Adam's perfect bread.
: Adam's find at the Georgetown Flea Market.
: My find at the Georgetown Market.
So, I have a huge problem with not finishing projects, and my husband is great at lighting a fire under me by giving me an incentive. If I framed the paintings from Peru and made the place mats that I bought fabric for three months ago, then I can get the awesome rocking chair from a few blogs back when we move. Thus the pictures are framed and we've eaten two meals off the mats. I'm super happy with the end results. Although, what I'm most excited for are the cool things we found at the market...I'll eventually get this poster I bought framed and show ya'll that as well. Until then you'll find me juicing with my cool antique juicer.