Sunday, January 30, 2011

applesauce up in hizzle...

It started with four apples three weeks ago...low and behold it turns out I LOVE homemade applesauce. It was gone in a day. So, the next weekend at the farmers market (yes I'm lucky enough to live by a year round jealous) we bought a crate, I mean it was more economical that way. As we began the process we realized it was time to read up on the canning book we got for Christmas, because there was NO way we could eat that much applesauce in the next week. Thus began the all day process...
By "we" read up, I mean A did and then he explained it to me...

Someone mentioned making applesauce in a crock pot, so we tried that (I mean we had enough apples to go around), as well as adding strawberries. Strawberries I'd do again, but you don't need nearly as much water, because they add a lot more water to it (we bought them frozen from the farmers market the same day). The crock pot takes longer so I wouldn't do that again.

I add cinnamon and lemon rind only, no sugar.

A few seconds in the food processor, and viola:

This is where the canning part comes in, after you make it, it has to boil:

9 quarts of homemade applesauce, two strawberry the rest original...I'm a happy duck!

Monday, January 10, 2011

flea market flare...


So the pictures kind of suck...but you sort of get the point. We went to DC's largest flea market that comes around three times a year, and picked up this 40s medicine cabinet for $100. Adam cleaned it up and we got anthropologie knobs. The great part is other than the medicine cabinet we didn't buy anything. We just used what we already had, so basically we went shopping in our house. The Kate Spade vase is filled with a mustache bouquet, from A's mustache party. The Kate Spade candy jar is filled with A and my new favorite game Banana grams. The alabaster chess set was my grandfather's, it is beautiful but hard to tell the pieces apart so not really great for actually playing chess. The chair was in our bedroom hidden in a corner. We had to reposition some frames with the taller chair, but the whole thing only took about an hour. The rest of it is filled with books and board games. So it is still quite functional. The area still needs some color, I'm thinking a little pillow of pop will be perfect. Perhaps this one from Urban Outfitters.

Anyway, despite the pictures I'm liking the little nook. I'd like to replace the glass with chicken wire, but Adam says he couldn't get the glass out. We'll see...

Friday, January 7, 2011

cookie jar predicament

I am looking for a cute, nontypical cookie jar. Unfortunately, I haven't found one that my husband also likes and that is the right price. I love this owl from Anthropologie, but A says it gives him the creeps:

I, of course, love this cornishware, and I thought it would be so adorable to have "dolce" printed on it. But the price + the shipping was just too much for my confectionary creations.

So, for the time being I will pine away for the owl, and look for other solutions. By the way I realize these are complete opposites, but that is just the way I am. When I go out for dinner I'm not sure if I was chicken or fish, even though they are completely different tastes, they are both delicious. Said thoughts apply to design in my world as well.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh, hello, and who are you again?

I don't know if you can officially call me a slacker, considering, well, no one reads this. However, I felt guilty to myself to neglecting this, mostly because it is fun. Anyway, it isn't so much that I haven't done anything, as I haven't posted it. I thought about going back and posting everything, but that seemed tedious and unnecessary. Then, I thought about starting fresh, but that somehow left something out. Instead, I'm going back a little, and slightly out of date for the next few posts. Today: holiday goodies all bagged (canned) up:

The cans are from Michael's. The tags were from this blog (free template), the ribbon was Target. The peppermint bark and caramel corn recipes both came from the awesome blogger Orangette.

Hopefully, I'll be back soon with a post on Polyface Farms which we visited to get our Thanksgiving turkey!